
Juilliard 面试日期 for Fall 2024 Entry

The application for Fall 2024 entry will be available beginning September 1, 2023. If you are interested in applying, the individual webpages under 应用程序需求 contain details about Juilliard's application and audition policies and procedures. Updates to audition dates and application requirements will be happening over the summer. Make sure to check requirements for the latest updates before completing your application.

To receive the latest admission and audition information via email, please fill out 这种形式.

注意: If you feel sick or have been ordered by a public health authority to quarantine or isolate, please do 不 enter any Juilliard facility until medically cleared.  Should you have COVID-19 symptoms or test positive, please follow 美国疾病控制与预防中心的指导 and consult with a health care professional for further instructions regarding appropriate testing, 隔离, 治疗, 接触者追踪. If you are unable to attend an audition due to illness, please contact (电子邮件保护) immediately to cancel your audition.


跳舞rs applying for entrance in fall 2024 must submit prescreening videos. 跳舞rs who receive favorable prescreening results must participate in an in-person callback audition in order to be considered for admission.


海选城市 回试日期
纽约 2月17、18、24、25日


Applicants are required to submit a video audition; no in-person auditions will be held for the summer 2024 program.


Actors must register for and attend one of the scheduled in-person auditions. If you are 需要预先筛选, you will 不 be able to register for an in-person audition unless you have received favorable prescreening results. If you currently reside within the continental United States, you are 需要预先筛选.


试镜的城市 面试日期
纽约市 January 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28
芝加哥 2月1、2、3日
旧金山 2月6日,7日,8日

Prescreening is required if you currently reside outside of the United States and Canada. This requirement does 不 depend on citizenship status or permanent address and can不 be waived.

如果你住在阿拉斯加, 夏威夷, 波多黎各, 美属维尔京群岛, 或加拿大, you have the option to prescreen. All prescreening decisions are final.

Prescreening Audition Scheduling
Prescreening for actors applying to enter the program in fall 2024 will take place remotely via Zoom. You must register for and attend one of the scheduled prescreening auditions. Please check back here for fall 2024 application and audition information.





音乐 auditions at esball世博 are held in person on our 纽约市 campus; limited funds are available for need-based travel grants. All applicants invited to audition are expected to attend on their scheduled date and time, and are expected to have the entire audition repertoire prepared. While faculty may 不 hear entire works, they may ask you to perform any part of a required work.

Auditions for entry in Fall 2025 for most programs will take place between February 28-March 7, 2024. Specific audition dates will be listed below as they are confirmed with faculty. Dates may be posted as late as November 2024.


仪器 面试日期
巴松管 稍后通知
大提琴 稍后通知
单簧管 稍后通知
协作的钢琴 稍后通知
作文 稍后通知
低音提琴 稍后通知
长笛 稍后通知
法国号 稍后通知
吉他 稍后通知
Graduate Resident 弦乐四重奏, 艺术家文凭 No auditions will be held for the Graduate Resident 弦乐四重奏 program in 2025. The next application will be open in September of 2026.
竖琴 稍后通知
历史性能 稍后通知
爵士乐的研究 稍后通知
双簧管 稍后通知

2024年12月14日- 16日

艺术家文凭 in 歌剧研究 auditions are scheduled to take place in person in 纽约市 on these dates. Applicants should plan to be available for all three days.

管弦乐队的指挥 稍后通知
器官 稍后通知
打击乐器 稍后通知
钢琴 稍后通知
低音长号 稍后通知
男高音长号 稍后通知
小号 稍后通知
大号 稍后通知
中提琴 稍后通知
小提琴 稍后通知
的声音 稍后通知


Last Updated Wednesday, May. 15, 2024, 04:21PM